27 February 2013

What I forgot. End of first chapter. Max falling asleep.

Copyright © 2013 Bob R Bogle

Dark in the room.  Silent.  Unfamiliar surroundings.  Imagining flashes of ancient rifles in the dark night, sudden loud cracking shots fired from who knows where.  Quantrill's pistol.  Holes blown in bodies.  Violence.  Betrayal.  No legislatures had yet voted to secede.  Death.
Effects subtend causes.  Remember metaphysics, my freshman year?  A mistake.  The philosophical mind proscribes the clinically empiric.  Concepts, physical things digested away in elemental words.  Abstracted abstractions.  No causalogist, I.  Con-sequentiality in time and con-tiguity in space.  Tangere, to touch.  Necessity.  Sufficiency.  A thermodynamic demiurge.  Consequential sputtering sparking arc weld flashing linkages between events effacing time's arrow, I argued.  Progressively, emphatically squeeze down the interval, a calculus of limits, and expunge time from consideration.  Charlie in that class, too.  Correlation does not necessarily imply causation, he said, except in certain states where required by law.  Quantum mechanics throws it all into doubt anyway.  All grows fuzzy.  And the overwhelming human demand for reductionism.  Oversimplifying complexes of contributing effects or events, hungry for that one critical final lasting eternal keystone cause, almost always to confirm preexisting notions or buttress an axiomatic moral framework.  A host of ingredients contribute to the mulligan stew.
Tired.  I cant.  I just.
Is history causal?  We assume.  If not a longitudinal, linked chain, can history exist?  Sterile concept.  Chaos otherwise.  If a butterfly flutters its wings.  History is a vast river system of causes and none of them proximate, all of them necessary, none of them sufficient.  All time immanent in a defined space.  A loaf.  Bulk.  That's history.  Who we are, and why.

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